
Exactly When, Where And How To See ‘Fireballs’ This Week As The Perseids Meteor Shower Peaks - Forbes

On one night every year those in the know take themselves into the wilderness with confidence that they will witness a sky full of shooting stars.

That night is tonight. At midnight until about 5 a.m. wherever you are in the world (though it's best in the northern hemisphere), the famous Perseids meteor shower will peak. One of the most reliable such events of the year, it’s expected to produce its usual 80 shooting stars per hour. However, that figure is for visibility under perfect night sky conditions.

Sadly, 2019’s conditions will not be perfect. Despite it being generally warm outside, so much easier for observers to spend time outdoors looking up, Earth's Moon is going to be a big problem. There’s a Full Moon on Thursday, which means the night sky will be relatively washed-out for much of the night all week.

So this year it’s not a case of seeing a lot of shooting stars, but instead, trying to catch really bright "fireballs."

Luckily, there’s a good chance of catching a few despite the bright moon. As well as being a prolific meteor shower, the Perseids are well known for bringing many fast and bright meteors whose trains last a second or so. They are some sight. If you’ve seen only and fleeting shooting stars before, you’ll quickly realise the attraction of seeing a bright, long-lasting one that lights-up the sky.

When is the best time to see the Perseids meteor shower?

Tonight between midnight and 3 a.m. on Tuesday morning is when the ultimate peak activity will be, and at that same time any night this week.

Why the bright moon won’t be as bad as you think

It’s a shame there’s a bright moon around, and it will mean you see fewer shooting stars than usual during the Perseids meteor shower. However, during the northern hemisphere’s summer the Moon is relatively low down in the southern sky. That’s because the Earth’s axis is tilted towards the Sun during the day, and away from the Moon at night. That reduces the problem of the almost Full Moon this week.

Where to look in the night sky

The bright Moon will be relatively low down in the southern sky, and that’s good because the Perseids come from the northeastern sky. They come from the direction of the constellation of Perseus. That doesn’t mean you have to look only to the northeast at Perseus, but it does mean that you definitely don’t have to look at the night sky anywhere near the Moon. Stand with the Moon behind you and you’ll have a dark enough sky to see fireballs and the brighter shooting stars.

Observing tips for the Perseids meteor shower

There’s no particular need to get yourself to a dark country sky this year. Almost anywhere will do because we’re looking for occasional super-bright shooting stars, though don’t stand anywhere where you can see streetlights. Standing in the shadow of a building is a good idea. However, the very best advice is to look at the night sky, and keep looking. Ignore your phone. If you can do that, and you have the patience to look for an hour or so, you are by far the most likely kind of person to see a bright Perseid fireball.

What causes the Perseids meteor shower?

The shooting stars we see are particles, called meteoroids, that burn-up in the Earth's atmosphere and become meteors. Earth is now moving deeper into the stream of dust and debris left in the solar system by Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, which last crossed Earth’s orbital path around the Sun in 1992. Like most meteor showers, the Perseids are highly predictable.

How long will the Perseids meteor shower last?

The shower actually lasts until August 24, though the number of bright fireballs will decline as this week wears on. However, even next weekend it will be worth having a look, again around midnight, if the skies are clear.

Here’s a summary of what to do to catch a fireball this week:

1 – Go outside after midnight

2 – Keep direct lights out of your field of vision

3 – Stand in a shadow

4 – Look generally north or east

5 – Sit down to avoid neck-ache

6 – Take a break every 30 minutes

7 – Don't look at your smartphone

Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes

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